Colorbond Roof Colours – classic range

The Colorbond classic colours range is inspired by iconic Australian landscapes: the bush, the outback, the beach, and the red centre.

The classic range of colours includes:

  • Classic Creamcolorbond-roof-colours-classicColorbond Roof Colours - Brisbane Bayside, Redlands, Logan
  • Cottage Green
  • Deep Ocean
  • Manor Red
  • Night Sky
  • Pale Eucalypt
  • Paperbark
  • Woodland Grey.

Find out more about classic Colorbond roof colours.

Colorbond Roof Colours – contemporary range

The Colorbond contemporary colours range draws inspiration from modern and urban landscapes: our cities, towns, cafes and outdoor lifestyle.

The contemporary range of colours includes:

  • BasaltColorbond Roof Colours - Brisbane Bayside, Redlands, Logan
  • Cove
  • Dune
  • Evening Haze
  • Gully
  • Ironstone
  • Jasper
  • Mangrove
  • Monument
  • Shale Grey
  • Surfmist
  • Terrain
  • Wallaby
  • Windspray.

Find out more about contemporary Colorbond roof colours.


We’re experts at using Colorbond roof colours

At Bayside Roof Repairs and Restorations, we regularly use the entire range of Colorbond roof colours.

If you need any service relating to your Colorbond roof, let us take care of it for you. The team at Bayside Roof Repairs and Restorations has been in the roofing business since 1999. And since then, we’ve become known as the trusted roofing experts for Brisbane bayside, Logan and the Redlands.

When you hire us, you can rest assured that we’ll do the job quickly, efficiently and properly. That’s because we’ve used the range of Colorbond roof colours many times before.

We know you’ll love the finished product, and we make it our priority to do a first-rate job, right down to the last detail.

You can read some of our customer testimonials to see just why we’re such a trusted local business.

Why use Colorbond roof colours?

Over the years we’ve seen just about everything you can imagine in the roofing industry. Since starting out in 1999, we’ve come to know firsthand which roofing products are high quality and which ones are sub-standard.

We recommend Colorbond’s range of steel roof products as a potential roofing solution. The Colorbond roof colours have been around since 1966 and are perfectly suited to Australian conditions. Not only that, their range of colours are inspired by the classic and contemporary landscapes of Australia.

Need Colorbond roofing?

If you’d like to repair or restore your roof with Colorbond roofing products, contact us. We’d be happy to talk to you about your situation and provide you with a quote.